Monday, January 20, 2014

November 25

Hi y'all,

Hm.... I don't have a lot to say this week I think. It's been a good, enjoyable week. We had some really great lessons where there was no doubt the Holy Ghost was present and I was able to be prompted to say things that just popped into my mind. Neat stuff for sure.
Also, we had a visit from none other than Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Twelve. I think he stopped by our mission on his way to somewhere else in North Carolina but it was neat. He took the time to shake the hand of each missionary in our mission because he said he likes to look into our faces and see who we are. So I have now shook the hand of one of the Twelve and can check that off my bucket list. The meeting was really great though because it was like we weren't just being taught in a meeting but more like a great conversation over lunch, he was just so personable. He left our mission with a great blessing too. Elder Cook told us to not underestimate the power of our faith as missionaries and so this weekend, Sister Whitmer and I, wanted to fast for our investigator, Cearra, and I had his comment about the power of our faith in my mind the whole time.
We've been getting ready for Hickory's Celebration of Christ the week after Thanksgiving and having choir rehearsals. It's been fun and reminds me of institute choir back home and singing at Temple Square and I loved doing it. We got permission to have our whole zone create a missionary choir to perform at Celebration of Christ since a lot of non-member community people come to the event. I am excited for it.
My companion and I also got a new investigator that the elders had been teaching but turned over to us because they felt like she could connect better to sisters. I think they were absolutely right, and already it's made a whole lot of difference. Her name is Kristina and she has a lot to overcome so if you could pray for her also, thanks!

I love all y'all and the church is true!
Sister Amelia Rust

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