Monday, August 4, 2014

April 21


This last P-Day after I emailed y'all, my zone all got together and we
went to the Charlotte Motor Speedway for a tour! It was fun, we all
piled into two vans and they took us around their multiple tracks
listing off facts and figures. Even though I know nothing about cars
or NASCAR I thought it was fun and interesting especially certain
points on the tour. Like when we went around the big main track on the
curves it actually slopes like 24 degrees so you almost feel like
you're going to fall over in the van. And on the drag strip we saw a
"funny car" (that's really what they are called) warm up and then
shoot down the track so fast. But even more impressive was the sound,
it went so fast that you need ear protection and you could see the air
waves move from the sound. And when they race four of their train cars
at a time it experts so much force that it almost equals a rocket! We
also got out to take pictures in the winner's circle. I will send some
in this email.

This week was pretty rainy and it was our bike/foot week. We were
going to go finding in neighborhoods along the greenway but found
parts of the paths flooded so we tried crossing them anyway. Sister
Gunther was up to her knees in water (it didn't seem that deep) and I
tried to climb over rocks and other things. An adventure for sure. :)

We finally met with Garrett and Jodi Friday and just got to know them
a little better. Garrett and Jodi want to get baptized together so
that may put things back for a little but hopefully not long and
hopefully I won't be transferred! Amber is doing well, we skyped her
Friday as well and she wants to quit smoking so she is trying cold
turkey his week. Pray that it will go well! We also have the 5k this
week so hopefully she still will do that with us. We also are having
wonderful lessons with Neal, but we want to start meeting with his
wife too. He has been meeting with missionaries forever and he likes
everything we share but I am afraid we have turned into just a
friendly Bible study. But they are all doing well so far.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and was able to reflect on
Christ. Sister Gunther and I memorized the Living Christ to challenge
ourselves  and it just happened that we finished the last paragraph on
Easter Sunday which was a nice little coincidence. We enjoyed dinner
with a family who shared some fun mission experiences and conversion
stories. It is nice to be able to enjoy Sunday evenings and holidays
with members since I can't be home with my own family right now.

Have a good week everyone and always thank you for the prayers and love.

Sister Rust

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