Hello, hello, hello everyone!
I am so super excited to finally get my first P-day and email. There's
so much I could talk about but I only have a small amount of time to be
on the computers so I'll just cover what I can and y'all can email me
back or write with questions if you want.
I arrived here at the MTC last Wednesday so I have
been here exactly 7 days now and that is a very weird thought because I
still feel like I was dropped off only 2 days ago at most. In fact, the
newest arrivals are walking in as I'm typing so that makes me the oldie
now. My companion is Sister Knight and here middle name is Amelia so
that's cool. We get along well with each other and the two other sisters
in our district. Oh yeah so my district is four elders and four sisters
even and I am the oldest out of everyone, and sometimes that is very
apparent when a bunch of 18 yr old elders get together for meals. :P
The first few days was rough mostly because of how much teaching
and studying goes on and the newness of it all. I only almost cried once
though and my branch presidency and teachers are looking out for us and
making sure we are ok. I am just very grateful I am not trying to learn
another language on top of all this, although if I had been called to
speak another language I know the Lord would help me with that just like
He is already helping me now with teaching and trying to love
investigators and go with the Spirit. I knew it was going to be hard
work, but boy is it hard work! This is not something that you can do
right without diligence and obedience (and a whole bunch of other good
attributes). I am not perfect but I am trying and desire to do my best
and through Christ things are made possible for me.
My companion and I already have two investigators that we are
working with (both of which are actually just role playing probably) but
for all intents and purposes they are real investigators. And it's
amazing to go in to teach them and just see them as real people who need
to know the love of God and Jesus in their lives and to begin to love
them myself. It's so cool too, because as we practice teaching them I am
slowly figuring out how to as they say "not teach a lesson but teach a
person". There isn't a specific way or order to teaching the doctrine
which is why PMG (Preach My Gospel) is SUPER COOL since it allows you to
really get to know your investigators and their current needs and find
out what will be the best way to help them grow in faith.
The investigator is at the heart of things and the gospel is
useless without people and God's work and glory is bringing His children
to eternal salvation.
Anywho, I think I am running out of time so I need to hurry and tell about the rest!
I found out some of the sisters are singing in the Relief Society
General Broadcast and I was picked to sing in it! So for anyone watching
keep your eye out for me. ;) Also, I was hoping so badly to get to see
Hermana Kelsey Rust while here but I am on the new west MTC campus and
so I wasn't sure I'd get to see her. But miraculously she saw me at a
rehearsal at main campus and we hugged and it totally made my day and my
heart was happy! I ran into a couple others I know including Elder Adam
Jardine who left for Oregon today.
I was going to try and send pictures but I forgot to
bring my camera cord so Mom, if you could actually send that some time
along with the camera instructions above the clothes washer (probably
sending it later next week would be better after I've already arrived in
I love you all!
Sister Amelia Rust
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